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Kryjówka Salamandry in the Kanały is located in an old krypta. This hideout is variously known as the "narkotyków pracownia" or the "Kryjówka bandity" but whatever the name, it houses the main production line for the fisstech manufacture operation of Salamandra. It can only be access by providing the correct hasło, unless one is prepared to resort to violence.
It is run by Gellert Bleinheim, the local drug lord. He employs have a large "staff" of chemists working day and night to produce the drug - I say "staff" because it is not entirely certain that these men are working there of their own accord. The raw materials are supplied by Bleinheim's brother, Roland from his operation in the bagna.
- This is where Geralt finds List od Gellerta Bleinheima, advancing his investigation into Salamandra
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