Wiedźmińska Wiki

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Wiedźmińska Wiki
Obrazek Nazwa Opis Warunek wstępny Poziomy Punkty
Warzenie mikstur
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Enables the brewing and drinking of witcher potions. Żaden Domyślna Żaden
Zwiększona tolerancja
Poziom 1: Increases potion overdose threshold from 25% to 30%. Potion duration time: +5%.
Poziom 2: Increases potion overdose threshold from 30% to 40%. Potion duration time: +10%.
Poziom 3: Increases potion overdose threshold from 40% to 55%. Potion duration time: +15%.
Poziom 4: Increases potion overdose threshold from 55% to 75%. Potion duration time: +20%.
Poziom 5: Increases potion overdose threshold from 75% to 100%. Potion duration time: +25%.
Brewing 5 Żaden
Each potion dose imbibed heals 5% of maximum Vitality.
Potion duration time: +5%
Brewing 5 8
Opóźniony rozkład
Potion effects don't wear off until potion Toxicity falls to 90% of the maximum level.
Potion duration time: +5%
Brewing 3 20
Efekt uboczny
Imbibing a potion gives a 20% chance of activating the effects of another randomly-selected potion, without additional Toxicity cost.
Potion duration time: +5%
Brewing 5 28
Przygotowanie olejów
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Enables the creation of oils that can be applied to swords. Żaden Domyślna Żaden
Zatrute ostrze
The chance is greater the higher the level of oil used.
Poziom 1: Oil applied to blades gives a 3% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. Potion duration time: +5%.
Poziom 2: Oil applied to blades gives a 6% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. Potion duration time: +10%.
Poziom 3: Oil applied to blades gives a 9% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. Potion duration time: +15%.
Poziom 4: Oil applied to blades gives a 12% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. Potion duration time: +20%.
Poziom 5: Oil applied to blades gives a 15% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. Potion duration time: +25%.
Oil Preparation 5 Żaden
Adds 5% protection against attacks from the monster type the oil targets.
Potion duration time: +5%
Oil Preparation 5 8
Blade oils now have 33% more charges.
Potion duration time: +5%
Oil Preparation 3 20
Instynkt łowcy
When Adrenaline Points are at their maximum, critical hit damage against the targeted enemy type is increased by 20%.
Potion duration time: +5%
Oil Preparation 5 28
Wytwarzanie petard
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Enables the creation of handheld bombs that can be thrown at enemies. Żaden Domyślna Żaden
Celny rzut
Time is slowed a further 15% while aiming bombs.
Potion duration time: +5%
Bomb Creation 3 Żaden
All bombs, even those that usually do not inflict damage now deal +30 damage in addition to their normal effects.
Potion duration time: +5%
Bomb Creation 5 8
Increases the maximum number of bombs in each slot by 1.
Potion duration time: +5%
Bomb Creation 5 20
Petardy klastrowe
Upon detonation bombs separate into explosive fragments. Number of fragments: 2
Potion duration time: +5%
Bomb Creation 5 28
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Enables the extraction of mutagens from the corpses of powerful monsters. Witchers use these to grant their bodies new abilities. Żaden Domyślna Żaden
Odporność nabyta
Poziom 1: Every known level 1 alchemy formula increases maximum Toxicity by 1. Potion duration time: +5%.
Poziom 2: Every known level 1 or 2 alchemy formula increases maximum Toxicity by 1. Potion duration time: +10%.
Poziom 3: Every known level 1, 2 or 3 alchemy formula increases maximum Toxicity by 1. Potion duration time: +15%.
Mutation 3 Żaden
Przeobrażenie tkanek
When consumed, mutatgen decoction increases maximum Vitality by 200 for decoction's effective duration.
Potion duration time: +5%
Mutation 5 8
Increases bonus for mutagen placed in mutagen slot by 10%.
Potion duration time: +5%
Mutation 5 20
Extends effective duration of all mutagen decoctions by 10%.
Potion duration time: +5%
Mutation 5 28
Próba traw
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Mutation that lets witchers withstand the toxicity of potions that would kill normal people. Żaden Domyślna Żaden
Jasność umysłu
If potion Toxicity is above 0, time automatically slows when an enemy is about to perform a counterattack.
Poziom 1: Potion duration time: +5%
Poziom 2: The slowing effect and duration are greater than for level 1 of this ability. Potion duration time: +10%
Poziom 3: The slowing effect and duration are greater than for level 2 of this ability. Potion duration time: +15%
Trial of the Grasses 3 Żaden
Wytrzymałość na ból
Increases maximum Vitality by 10% when Toxicity exceeds the safe threshold.
Potion duration time: +5%
Trial of the Grasses 5 8
Szybki metabolizm
Toxicity drops 1 point(s) per second faster.
Potion duration time: +5%
Trial of the Grasses 5 20
Krwawy szał
If potion Toxicity is above 0, each opponent killed increases the chance for a critical hit by an additional 10% for the duration of that fight.
Potion duration time: +5%
Trial of the Grasses 5 28